- Aesthetic looks and designs
- Fire-resistant properties of jute
- Highly durable
- Lightweight and comfortable
Read the full product story here
Raw material
- Jute and organic cotton from India
- Spirulina locally cultivated
- Rural innovation
- Made by marginalized artisans and women, former lepers and disabled people
- Hand-stitched products and embroidery
- Spirulina cultivated locally through rural innovation
- Minimal energy used in production
Environment impact
- Natural and sustainable raw material sourcing and production
- Jute Co2 fixation
- Long-lasting durable products
- Fully biodegradable
- Handmade with minimum energy required
- Naturally produces Spirulina on a farm
- UNSDG 12.2; "achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources"
- Co2 fixation in jute: 2.2kg Co2 stored in 1 kg of processed jute fibre
Social impact
- Empowerment and livelihoods to marginalized groups
- Promotes children's education and access to careers and fair wages as artisans
- UNSDG 4.5; "eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable"
- Livelihoods impacted:
A product-specific Sustainability Report is provided with each product order.
APRONS | jute & cotton | customizable hand embroidery | artisan empowerment
- Price: send inquiry for updated prices
- Minimum OQ: 250-500 pieces
- Availability: pre-order
- Customization: available
- Branding: private label / Source For Future generic label
- Packaging/labeling: pre-packaging/labeling available [see customizable packaging/labeling solutions here]