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The Story of Weaving the Fabric of Rural Livelihood
Sustainable development is not a quick fix, it is a long series of investments, training and changes made over time through many...

The Story of the Water Cleaning Bacterias
In an international township deep inside a lush rural area overlooking the Bay of Bengal, you’ll find a project working for clean waters...

The Story of the Artisans in the South
India is home to more than 3,000 different types of artisan crafts. Estimates of the number of artisans working in India vary widely from...

The Story of the Himalayan Hemp Farmers
Is it possible to bring mountain farming communities back from the brink of abandonment? Our partners certainly think so, in Uttarakhand,...

The Story of the Mountain Honey Climbers
Is it possible to sustainably harvest honey and beeswax by finding a balance in harvesting honey and wax while leaving enough behind for...

The story of the Young Artisans Future
In Karnataka, a southern state of India, young artisans are crafting the future of environmental and social tableware. Using earth clay...

The Story of the Essence
In southern India, women from marginalized backgrounds are crafting various natural fragrance products using organic botanical...
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